March 9, 2001

Today I learned that the husband of a good friend passed away. Passed away? I suppose since there is no better scientific information about where the consciousness of an individual goes when the brain no longer functions, we can say it passed away into oblivion. But the hard fact is that his heart stopped, and when it did, all other organs ceased to function. He died. He is dead and his "troubles here on earth are o'er" as the old spiritual softly praises.

Whose troubles are not over? His wife who now must take over the nuts and bolts of everyday living. She will cope, but it won't be easy. And how should she feel about it all?

She ought to: relieved that he no longer suffers, content with memories of the good times, angry that he dared to up and die, amused that some of his habits will no longer irritate her, patient with the paperwork of bureaucracy, assured that family and friends will be there if and when she wants them. Every widow deserves no less.

Make no mistake, although physically his body is exchanged for an unseen form of energy, he has not passed away.