Volunteering makes you feel needed...
and fills an otherwise empty day...
but it doesn't pay the rent

Did you hear about the State of our Union? Now we can roll. Exactly where without a job but no matter.

No new factory openings or any other manna from heaven in the form of help to those who have spare time but no income. Just look at all the jobs our President created!


Employers salivate as they rush to 'find' places to 'use' volunteers. What a money saver! And not a 401K nor health package to complicate the life of consulting bookkeepers.

In my view the concept of having people do jobs for nothing is about as un-American as anything since Andrew Carnegie used thousands of our ancestors as indentured servants in the early 1900's.

Every volunteer displaces a bona fide employee. I've volunteered at a job that would have paid as much as $35,000 per year if my skills and experience were put in an employee package. And I don't have a college degree.

No matter how much I accomplish, I can't help but wonder how many families are going to the food bank because of an ideology that says the profits of big business will trickle down to help the economy.

No matter how good I feel about my 'work' place, I can't help but worry about the families begging for shelter because of an ideology that says the profits of big business will trickle down to help the economy.

No matter how much I feel needed, I can't help but think of the people for whom there is despair in a jobless market because of an ideology that says the profits of big business will trickle down to help the economy.


Volunteering does not help the economy.

Naomi Sherer


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