Skin Cancer Increases

Increase in skin cancer. Why? Are we putting too much trust in sunscreen when we spend hours outdoors? Could it be that the ozone layer is being depleted with the entry of chlorine atoms into the stratosphere? Haven't we been more careful of our hair sprays and other canned products? Perhaps all of the above. Or perhaps something else entirely.

One space shuttle launch releases 240 tons of concentrated hydrochloric acid into the atmosphere. Chlorine splits off from the hydrochloric acid molecule and combines with an ozone atom, ultimately destroying it. An estimate made in 1989 predicted that 10 solid-fuel rocket boosters launchings per year would induce a 10 percent depletion in the ozone layer by 2005. However, civilian and military launches increased far above the 10 per year.

Continuous launching of rockets into space poses imminent danger to the ozone layer. Each 1 percent decrease in stratospheric ozone will bring a 4 to 6 percent increase in skin cancer.

Take care of your skin. Take care of your politics. And then maybe our leaders will take care of the ozone layer that protects us all.

Naomi Sherer