Check the food and oxygen
delivery systems

Maps are really cool. And highway maps are the best. I look for the legend to find out what kind of road there is to the place I want to visit. Heavy double lines indicate a 4-lane freeway - the easiest driving and shortest route.

I've thought how similar to highways is my blood circulatory system. The aorta is the main freeway southbound from the heart. Arteries spread through the body becoming state highways, county roads, access roads, driveways, and finally the pathways leading to the absolutely inaccessible rural areas to deliver Watkins vanilla extract and Swan's ice cream. Well the tiny capillaries do deliver food and oxygen to our cells.

The northbound roads are veins that carry the waste back to the heart. They meander around in just the right places to be intercepted by other northbound streams full of wastes that are carried away and dumped in the liver, kidneys, and lungs - our built-in landfill and sewer system. The blood returns to the heart going for fresh oxygen from the lungs and picking up food from the digestive system for the next delivery to the outer limits.

For my trips the kind of roads available will help me decide if I go for a trip. I can't drive my '92 Ford Probe on the thinnest dotted line in remote areas so I don't go there. That's no big deal. But the blood has to make the trip, and does so many, many times a day.

Neat, Huh? Such a clever system that evolved in our body.