Body Workout
from dawn to breakfast or whenever it suites

I just came in from raking leaves in my backyard. Too bad I don't have a job to run off to so I could leave the yardwork to someone else. But I do not. My neighbors are smarter than I am. They hire Lawn Sitters to plant, spray, mow, and trim. For twenty minutes once a week the air is abused with harsh noises of gasoline motors spraying, mowing and trimming the lush green carpet of an unknown species of a family called Gramineae - known as grass.

More common names are crabgrass, Bermuda grass, quack grass, and foxtail. No one can tell from the trimmed plants exactly what the real species are. Does anyone care? Keep the lawn uniform and green, therefore pretty.

I gave up lawn mowing for several compelling reasons. I disliked the smell of gasoline. I disliked the need to mix a recipe for properly feeding the noisy mower. I didn't much care for pushing the noise around. I did covet the space taken up by the pretty lawn. That space could be better used by larger plants that did not need weekly care. I needed space to put the extra tubers, bulbs, and rhisomes my neighbors couldn't bear to throw away when they were overstocked.

Slowly the well groomed lawn gave way to lovely bloomers that needed occasional weeding. There was no weekly care except for a watering regime, no different from a lawn. But the bonus was a glorious array of colorful blooms. The butterflies and hummingbirds came with more color and action. What a boon!

That doesn't mean my backyard is totally carefree which is the whole point. Shrubs need pruning and weeding. But not on a weekly basis. I can spend an hour trimming and fondling my favorites. Or I can spend a few minutes culling and chastising an overbearing species. The bending and lifting is good exercise for my knees and back. And good therapy for stress and boredom.

All of which could be nicely done at the friendly neighborhood health club.

This is my own back yard. I do not have to consider what to wear - I dress for the season. I do not have to be careful about making small talk - roots and flowers only listen. I do not have to match a strict schedule - I breath deeply, use multiple muscles, and enjoy at my leisure.

And for my body that is a very good thing.


Naomi Sherer