Lazy Sunday

Waking at daybreak knowing nothing was urgent, except the trip to the commode, is a delicious way to start the day. But as unhurried as I was I washed my sheets and hung them outside, loaded and ran the dishwasher, replanted an aloe shoot that was not happy in loose potting soil, and pulled out photos for scrapbooking. I may not get anything more done today but feel accomplished anyway.

Yesterday was very different. I hardly pulled myself out of bed before I realized my nine o'clock appointment was only an hour away. I didn't want to move - let alone drive 15 miles to teach 20 kids some fun about science. Both days' activities were same as many experienced in the past years and with varying amounts of enthusiasm.

Why the difference? I am still the same me. (I think). So what made the difference? Was what had to be done unsavory one day but not the next?

I had about the same amount of sleep. So. I had the same amount of exercise. So. My meals were different. So. Oh the food I ate was different but I eat what I like and what the cook prepares.

Over the past months I've discovered that fresh vegetables give me a boost. Starchy foods sustain energy throughout the day. I've tried several and green peppers, celery, cabbage, or broccoli each work equally well. Citrus or other sweet juices are a quick start but shut down as soon as the sugar is burned.

Celery is the best all around beginner. It provides me an energy boost and sweetens my breath. But I do not skimp on water. No other additive will servs my body needs as much as water.

Naomi Sherer


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