Anthrax, Smallpox, Nerve gas,
delivered by foreign nationals
warns the orange alert.
Now it is salmonella and other diseases
delivered in foreign imported food.


Are we to be held hostage within our own US boundaries by fear? Politicians try to make us fear those who practise the Islam religion. Obviously we don't fear Islam enough to accept the loss of our civil liberties, so suggest another danger. Let's fear prepared food imported from foreign countries. Terrorists could get to us through our own grocery shelves. No mail delivery. No airplanes involved.

A news report pointed out that we are vulnerable through imported food products which could be contaminated by foreign countries. When raw goods come in they can be checked under FDA rules. Now meats, vegetables and fruits come in cans ready to be consumed and therefore not under FDA inspection. Food contamination is beyond detection.

Creating suspicion of everyone and everything is an old time use of dividing and conquering to hold power over people. Religions and despots have done that for centuries. But suspecting our trading partners who depend on selling their foods for income that are a huge part of their economies? Think about it.

Are we going to buy these terrorist threats that appear to be dreamed up by think tanks run by Kissinger and Cheney and would encourage congress to strip us of our freedoms? What next?

This madness isn't going to stop until we replace our god crazed government with common sense people who don't try to invent boogey men to keep us under control.

Naomi Sherer


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