Purple, white and gold balloons festooned the ballroom ceiling at the Grand wedding of my Grand daughter. She wore the traditional white gown and came to the groom on the arm of the man she called her Dad since she was six years old.

The wedding party had four lovely bridesmaids and the Matron on Honor dressed in shades of purple gowns as were the junior bridesmaid and flower girl. Handsome groomsmen escorted the women.

I would call it a story book wedding, very beautiful, very traditional. The family and guests sat at tables in the ballroom so there was no procession from the ceremony to a dinner site. I never attended such a wedding before. Most of the family helped prepare the balloons earlier in the day which provided the opportunity to get acquainted. I was busy with my own traditional Second Saturday Event at the McNary National Wildlife Refuge where I put on special activities for the public.

The picture session was tedious, lasting for two hours. It was an opportunity for me to name the faces of those family members I will probably rarely see again. The professional photographer didn't stop then. He and an able attendant kept recording the action during and after the ceremony so there will be an enormous album for posterity. Many other cameras were used by others. At our table we used three disposable Kodaks during the afternoon and evening. Parents of the bride shot several hundred digital pictures which they shared with me.

A Christian wedding ceremony is always a disappointment to me. Insisting that God brings these people together is foolish. Insinuating that a bride and groom will never stray from their vows if they cling to Jesus is a big fat lie.

People love each other and get through the normal ups and downs by their own actions. I expect that my grand daughter and my new grand son will have a good marriage if they continue as they have begun. They are already bonded by two motherless children.

I confer prosperity and happiness upon them.

Naomi Sherer