and it is not going to change with the apathy we show in elections

Politics is not a one season activity. It is an involvement all year long, year after year, day after day.

Not so, you say. Politics is the last thing on your mind. But is it really? May be that you aren't thinking in terms of governing in a conscious manner. That is not to say you are not politicing. How is that so?

So you have an opinion about an issue, let's say abortion. You associate with others who express an opinion about abortion and there may be agreement. If the other has strong arguments against the points you make with your opinion, you will either change your first stand or argue more fervently from your viewpoint. In continuing an open discussion you will come to a decision.

Your decision has a direct bearing on your vote if you care enough about who governs our country to go out and vote. If no other issue is important to you, you will choose the candidate that expresses your stand on abortion. Do you consider an opposing candidate for the same office? Or do you consider party affiliation? Well you do have the option to look at them all. And I might add, you have the obligation.

Oops! The candidate who is against abortion wants some other things you do not want. Find out how that candidate stands on other issues. Who is the opponent for that office. That opponent looks at other issues the same way you do. Now the decision is not so clear.

Regardless of the party you've decided where you will cast your vote.

After the fact you see that you sometimes vote for a Republican and sometimes for a Democrat. Because you vote for the man or woman who believes in your favorite issue does that make you an Independent?

NO it does not.

We have a two party system - Republican and Democrat. There is no in between. Therefore the candidate you choose will caucus with one of those parties. Causus is a closed meeting where policy is chosen. Policy is made across all issues - not just your favorite. If the party who owns the presidency also dominates congress that party will put forth laws to influence issues according to their policy.

Sincere attempts have been made to create a third party with interesting effects. The last attempt resulted in a court appointed president that makes us ashamed at the loss of world leadership, struggle without jobs, and worry about grandchildren paying off the deficit.




Naomi Sherer