Volunteerism is not in our country's best interest. I do not think that a former president did a fine thing when he encouraged, even exalted, volunteerism. We should feel good to work for nothing. Just imagine the fuzzy feelings we get. Oh sure we old folks are doing good things in many niches in our community. Many jobs are getting done that otherwise an employer would leave undone. That's great!

But is it?

Let's look at what really happens. I go in and fill a gap made because of budget cuts and is the employer happy? You bet! No need to put money into that space. Since that was so easy the bean counter in the company makes more budget cuts. Cry help. No money. Job won't get done. In steps more volunteers. And the company does just fine. Oh volunteers aren't always dependable but then they are not being paid so the company can put up with human foibles. The job isn't always done quite as well as it should be. What the heck, it's free. Those volunteers have just come out of the workforce and were consciencious on the job. They don't get lazy or careless. Many times a better job is getting done than previously with paid employees. Business hands are rubbed with glee. Everybody's happy.

So what's wrong here?

The company didn't value the work enough to figure in paid employees.

I maintain that volunteers, and most are well into retirement, are taking jobs away from younger folks with families to support, people who would pay taxes if they could find work.

I am one of those old folks, long past retirement and understanding that keeping busy is healthy. Doing a job otherwise undone is satisfying. I was conscientious on my paid job and will do no less without pay. It is a job worth doing and I enjoy the results. In the real world it is a job that would be filled equally competent by a younger person who needed to put food on the table. Perhaps a person could be innovative and make more of the results than I do. On the other hand if no one did the job, no big deal, it was only a voluteer position after all. But the results have raised the standing of my employer in his circles. Would there be loss of face if this work disappeared?

Who knows? If the work was considered important to the community it would warrant a paid employee. It never will as long as we try to keep old folks happy doing community service for nothing. See one year at McNary NWR. or Look what happened in 2003.

Naomi Sherer

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