How often have you listened to Rush Limbaugh's bigotry? Do you approve of his lies about Democrats being un-American? Do you believe that blacks and homosexuals are less than human? Do you agree that folks who work toward peace are unpatriotic? Should anyone be forced to listen to the views of one side of a political idiot?

Of course not. And no one should be subjected to his blather if they can choose not to. He has a right to be a liar, a bigot, a fat doper, or even a pusher, if he chooses. But a listener ought to be able to push a control and shut his form of expression off if one chooses.

Our armed forces - our brave heroes protecting us on foreign soil - do not have that choice. Limbaugh is broadcast on our Armed Services Network around the world. And this is with your tax dollars! Unlike some one sided host shows there is no rebuttal, no other side of the question, just the bigotry that we claim does not exist in our beloved "God given" country.

Who puts the material on the air for our service men and women? Our Secretary of War? Oh I forget just who is our Secretary of War? Who decides what our brave fighters in the trenches must hear? We do have a Secretary of Defense. Does that Secretary defend our heroes from hatred of fellow officers and companions in the trenches?

Who decides that our armed services personnel should be taught bigotry and hate of fellow citizens? Who decides the good and patriotic stuff that goes out to the ears of our loved ones eager for encouraging words from home? Tar and feathers are too good for that person.

Hate talk shows do not represent American Democracy. Demand a recall of the individual who programs hate into the Armed Services Radio Network.


Naomi Sherer


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