WHICH IS: a form of connective tissue consisting of a flexible and resilient matrix containing cells (chrondrocytes) lodged in lacunae, which are small spaces or cavities

It matters not the technical terms - when you've got it, it hurts. My big jolly sister used to respond to "How are you?" with the quip "I'd be just fine if Arthur I. Tiss would go away."

Well arthritis doesn't go away. I can attest to that. The cartilage swells in finger joints, hardens and prevents bending or seizes the digits into permanent curls. The middle and ring fingers on my hands began to swell when I went into menopause. I watched a co-worker consult doctors, take medication and end up with unsightly claws for fingers. I didn't know the history behind her problems but I knew that I was under stress that I could relieve. I decided to try to prevent useless disfigured fingers in my future.

Hands connected to flexible wrists are one characteristic most distinguishing humans from the closest apes on the evolutionary tree. I wasn't working physically with my hands at my editing job so I really didn't see a connection. But I had used my hands in the past on household work - milking cows, wringing out laundry, digging, hoeing and hammering.

Because of the constant flexing of the digits, blood is moving through every cell with each beat of the heart. Without constant flexing the blood isn't moved and the tiniest of cells simply stand still.

Could my past be catching up with me because I no longer used my hands with such gusto? I tried to keep the joints moving. I couldn't concentrate completely on myself because I had a life that held me in a stressful routine. My husband, Ron, had several heart attacks for which he later had surgery. I worked 8 hours a day on a job to pay for our necessities. I got up at midnight to get my 15 year old son from his job to prevent police harassment. I worked many hours more on technical societies and decided to resign from that part of my life. No more presidencies. No more faithful public servant. Did it work?

Not entirely. The first digits on all fingers of both hands are disfigured, swollen and stiffened but my hands are very useful. And I exercise them all the time. If they ache I exercise them more and the pain goes away.

Fifty years ago when we lived in the country my farmer neighbor sold out and moved to the city. I later talked with him and discovered how happy he was to be in town because his wife developed arthritis in her hands and needed constant doctor's care. Doctors dispense chemicals to relieve pain. Or write prescription because patients demand them. Or that's all they know how to do.

When Ron and I went to the Mayo clinic to find an alternative to his heart problems the diagnosis was blockage to the heart. Bypass surgery was needed. When I asked if diet change or an exercise regime would prevent surgery and he offered no suggestions. He simply said, "I dispense medicine." and that was that.

Think about maintaining the level of exercise you are now engaged in. As the body ages and well meaning relatives tell you that you don't have to do this or that. Hire somebody. Buy the vegetables instead of gardening. Every movement of your muscles is important to your future. Treat them with determination and don't let them sag.

I hold physicians in highest regard but they are my last resort when it comes to taking care of my body. All chemicals in the form of pain relief have side effects on the body and I choose to avoid them whenever I can. The body responds to an introduced chemical and tries to fight that and the source of the pain as well. I get rest, lots of water, and sensible diet. It works for me.

Naomi Sherer

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