The Publisher....
Sometime ago one of our readers asked SalmonRiver what they thought of "gay rights/marriage". We generally do not respond, except in rare cases. It has been our experience that responses lead to diatribes. Then the actual point of the original article is obfuscated. But this seems to be a sincere question, so I will answer. I believe the question arose after reading my comments about President I have seen families torn apart by the cultural attitude towards homosexuallity. Good decent people on both sides; have had their hearts torn out. Those who acknowledged who they were, have been shunted and disowned by those people most important to them. I could easily launch into my own diatribe concerning "Choice Vs Biological Imperative". That would not address the question. The question of same sex marriage is to me a no brainer. Homosexuals
in No, I am not the person to get in the way of such a basic Human need.
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Consider novels by Naomi Sherer available on Amazon
Coming Soon: Beyond Namche, The Open Door, Wildly in the Rockies