Party Time; or What's Funny About Death


This morning I mentioned to Mom that I should write a funny article for the front page of SalmonRiver, and was trying to think of a topic. She said that with a twist of words anything could be made funny, except death. That sounded like a 'double dog dare ya' to me.

But this is the time of year when a lot of people are depressed or stressed, so I will put that subject on the back burner. I'm getting the house ready for a family party tomorrow, so I have some other thoughts that might be of interest; like how you can't have too many tablecloths; or does anyone really know when semi-colons are appropriate.

My kitchen and living room are upside down because of extra chairs and serving dishes out of the upper reaches of my closets. I have a million things to do, so of course; I'm writing this instead.

Nancy Sherer



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