Chicken Hawk or Camera Shy?


Today a Harrier falcon landed on the power line in front of my house which annoyed me on several accounts. First because I have stalked that bird up and down Whatcom Creek trying to get a picture. Mom calls says it is commonly called a chicken hawk, and it is big enough to carry a chicken away, but what it really feeds on is song birds, especially the chickadees and nuthatches that come to my seed feeders. I sometimes refer to my feeders as bird feeder bird feeders because not only falcons, but owls also get an easy meal because of them.

After putting is so much effort to find it in the forest, to have it land right in the middle of the neighborhood in plain sight of everyone seemed to be meant as a personal taunt. Oh well, I thought, if it's gonna just sit there, I might as well take its picture. I got my camera ready. It still sat there. Set, it didn't move as I zoomed it into focus. Go, no. As I snapped the picture,

off it flew at a leisurely pace out of range.

I hope it chokes on a chickadee.

Nancy Sherer



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