Writing on the Wall


My Shakespeare professor often said- what you understand depends on what you pay attention to. If she hadn't said it more than once, I might have forgotten without understanding.

For instance, just the word 'Shakespeare' causes most people to turn away. Like a nine year old being lectured about math, they put their fingers in their ears and close their eyes, while singing 'lalalalala.'

But this blog isn't about Shakespeare. It's about me painting around my window sill.

The last time I painted my living room, I somehow or another forgot to paint behind a set of drapes that I almost always leave closed. I guess I either forgot, was too tired to finish, or the wet paint blended in so well with white that I didn't notice. In the past few years I have opened those drapes occasionally, noticed the unpainted sill, closed the drapes and forgot about it. Finally this morning, I got around to finding paint that almost matched and got busy.

In the process I noticed that the window really needed caulk and putty, inside and out. I'm not going to do it. I'm going to close the drapes and ignore it. (See my fingers go in my ears and my eyes closing, lalalalala.) If the glass falls out during some violent winter storm, I will deal with it, and have a nice dramatic event to blog about besides.

So while I'm painting my window sill, I decided to use some of the almost matching paint to write a shadow message on the adjacent wall. It would have to be nearly invisible to be really fun. It should blend in so closely that seeing it, someone would tilt their head and squint while wondering if they were imagining things. But what to write?

Like I told you, what you understand depends on what you pay attention to.

Nancy Sherer



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