List of Lists


This is the time of year when Jerry and I spit polish the entire house to be ready for lots of holiday visitors. We clean everything from the chandelier to the garage floor.

Funny things need cleaning. Like dusting light bulbs. I used to think that was either a joke or a desperate act of a bored and lonely housewife. Turns out that if you live in a big house for a long time light bulbs get down right gritty long before they burn out.

And who else didn't think Heloise was being sarcastic when she gave tips on how to clean a bathroom ceiling? In the twenty four years we've lived here, I've had to do it twice.

And the list goes on. We are both great list makers, but this time of year really puts us to the test. By the middle of cleaning week we've started lists of lists. There's cleaning, buying, decorating, finding, hiding, putting out and putting away lists.

And now that I think about it, I'd better get at that hiding I have to do for Ryanne's Christmas Countdown.

Nancy Sherer



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