Soup Through a Straw


So I got build-ups for two crowns today. Turns out, not a bad idea. Cut out the second novacaine and rubber dam part as well as recovery time.

On the other hand, there isn't much to do for two hours with your mouth hanging open. I blocked out the sound of the drill by making up rhymes for 'oof.' It is possible that the novacaine pumped through my head and shut down some of my higher brain functions.

I had plans to run some errands afterwards, but while washing my face before leaving the office, I took a long look at my mouth. Not a pretty picture. I hesitate to admit it, but I reminded myself of a character in a Twilight Zone episode. So I have lounged around home all afternoon, sipping soup through a straw.

General rating for the experience on a scale of one to ten? Not bad. Here's hoping my insurance goes through.

Nancy Sherer



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