Call of the Wild


My mom and brother are planning an end of summer camp out which leaves me pondering.

Is the lure of sleeping outside becauswe of the thrill of pretending that wild animals lurk in the darkness just waiting for a chance at an easy meal?

Or is it the rocky ground, bugs, and dirt a reminder of just why humankind has gone to such great lengths to build floors, walls, and plumbing?

I guess some people might like to camp because there is absolutely nothing to do except sit on the ground and watch campfire smoke, which by the way is every bit as carcinogenic as cigarette smoke. Well, I guess if your muscles ache for activity, there is the option of walking up and down hills, around rocks and trees until you're tired enough to enjoy sitting on the ground watching campfire smoke.

Of course campers always take food from civilization with them because the stomach can't be tricked into the wilderness romance. Some people (not my mother) pretend to rough it with gorp to enhance that hardy pioneer illusion, but deep down they know they couldn't really survive if they got too far away from the supermarket.

I suppose camping does offer the illusion of running away from home. Imagining that you could survive if the bills didn't get paid or the clothes didn't get washed. Pretending that all the confusion and clutter of life is meaningless compared to the vast, desolate wilderness. Dreaming that all time could be whiled away with no responsibilities. Getting in touch with the true hostility of Nature so you can truly appreciate that hot shower and soft bed when you get home. As long as civilization is waiting for you.

Nancy Sherer



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