Name It, Claim It


Here I am again with a clean calendar page, but I noticed that my goals for the next year sound like reruns. Eat healthy, exercise, be positive, and find comfortable shoes.

Now I wonder if those are really New Year's Resolutions or things I should do everyday. I think that this year, my resolutions should be less mundane, more exploring new horizons.

Not that I would ever do something foolish like sky dive. I resent even having to jump out of bed.

I'm crumbling up my list of old New Year resolutions, and coming up with something brand new. That doesn't involve eating icky food or hurting my muscles.

Or being nice to people who are jerks. No, I can't not be nice. Maybe I should be aggressively nice. That is sure to annoy.

I'm off to ponder what I want to write down as acomplishments over the next year. Setting a goal is an important part of reaching it. Name it, claim it.

Nancy Sherer



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