March Madness


March, the month where flu season transitions seemlessly into allergy season. I'm not sure that someone actually has to have an allergy to be overcome by pollen. I suspect that March Madness or Spring Fever is the result of the lungs pumping pollen around the blood stream instead of oxygen.

And I know the pollen is thick because I itch and my sinuses are preventing my brain from sending messages to the rest of my body. That leaves my arms and legs stumbling around on their own.

Which makes spring cleaning more of an adventure than it otherwise would be.

Mom will be visiting us for a week or two, so cleaning is an imperative. Over the last six months the guest bedroom has become the junk drawer. I had to hang some curtains for privacy which I should have asked Jerry to help me with. Or at least I should have cleared the adjacent surfaces first. I managed the acres of material and sliding rod by myself, and learned that plastic really really is superior to glass.

Well, my break is over. I hope that allergy pill kicks in soon because I don't want to move furniture around unless my brain can keep my feet from tripping over each other.

Nancy Sherer



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