International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women
Seoul Korea, June 19 - 25, 2005

Organized around the theme :

Embracing the Earth
East - West, North - South

This theme provides an excellent venue for reflecting broad range of modern and postmodern orders and global issues.

Under this theme we will explore the changes, contestations, remappings and challenges of the categories of East - West / North - South. We will see how women's lives are interwoven -- as well as separated -- by the increasing economic and political disparity between North and South or the contesting images of East and West.

The Theme also calls attention to the reconfiguration of boundaries between East and West, North and South in the emerging international conflicts since the end of the Cold War.

We hope to generate lively discussion and investigations on the diversification and complexities pertaining to the East - West / North - South boundaries, how these impinge on women's lives and the challenges they pose to feminists.


Women's Worlds 2005
Seoul, Korea
June 19 - 24, 2005

9th International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women

Sub-theme Sessions

01. Globalization
02. Gender Identity
03. Family and everyday lives
04. Sexuality
05. Gender and Religion
06. NGO's and Activism
07. Environment and Agriculture
08. Gender, Science and Technology
09. Gender and ICT
10 Culture and Creativity
11 Gender and Media
12 Peace, War and Conflict
13 Economy, Work and Welfare
14 Law and Human Rights
15 Politics and Good Governance
16 Women's Studies
17 Women's Health and Sports
18 New Paradigms for Alternative World
19 East - West / North - South
20 Global Agenda in Asia

A preview of one poster exhibit
Sub Theme : 02. Gender Identity

Abstract title : Feminine Spirituality

Is women's spirituality different from men's? Are humans born equal? In our culture we are very quick to point out differences between women and men as genetic. Is that true? This poster explores the facts that have been discovered with the newest technology and leads both women and men to a better understanding of what options are open to the human spirit. We had been led to believe that our spirit was sealed by age 4 and we were stuck for life with what we were then. Studies of the brain reveal far different facts.


Naomi Sherer

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